Inclusive Low-Emission Development (i-LED): East African dairy

This research project identifies and analyses institutional conditions for scaling low-emission development dairy interventions in an inclusive manner.


The project will contribute to three objectives:

To assess the institutional conditions enabling or constraining the design and implementation of actor-disaggregated intervention strategies tailored to local variability in the East-African dairy sectors.  
To integrate area-specific public-private configurations into interactive dialogues enabling collective navigation towards leverage points most likely to drive inclusive and low emission dairy development.
To facilitate inclusive partnerships in the co-creation of organisational set-ups connecting users and experts and facilitate feedback and collaboration in the fine-tuning and adaptation of LED-interventions. 

Role of ACTS

African Centre for technology Studies (ACTS) participates in the project through a post doc researcher. The role of the post doc research will include: 
  • Organizing inclusive workshops assessing the adaptability of LED-intervention strategies to local realities and stakeholders in Kenya and Tanzania; 
  • Convening high-level, forward-looking dialogues, which engage Kenyan and Tanzanian stakeholder in strategizing and ’best-bet’ priority-setting; 
  • Developing participatory modes of scenario modelling, which involves close collaborations with stakeholders in imagining and co-creating modalities for inclusive development in two design workshops; 
  • Analysing and reflecting on these deliberative processes from the perspective of inclusive development 

Project Leaders

Wageningen University & Research 
Hollandseweg 1, 6706 KN Wageningen 
The Netherlands 
Tel: +31 317 484754

Dr. Joanes Atela
African Centre for Technology Studies
ICIPE Duduville Campus, Kasarani
Nairobi, Kenya
Tel: +254 710 607210

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24 January 2019
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